A home-coming in the Flower Fields

July 2017 – With all the global travelling it is extra important to connect with where you are from to keep a sense of place, and recreate an awareness of the surroundings that shaped who you are. In July Martha returns to the blossoming bulb fields of Noord Holland, just 2 kilometers outside her hometown….


Feb 2015 – Do you want to follow Martha and get postcards and updates? Or buy photographs? Now you can do so on Lukida… Go to: http://www.lukida.com/marthavanderbly

Yoga & Ibiza

Winter 2014 / 15 – sees Martha spending almost two months on Ibiza of which four weeks volunteering in a Yoga Retreat. Like acting, yoga is all about living in the present. A journey deep into the soul. A search for truth within. What a great and life-changing experience. –     –


Aug 2014 – The ‘iKISSTHEWORLD’-expo – an unique and innovative combination of acting, photography and visual sociology exploring the theme of globalisation and identity in an urban context –  in the main hall of the Central Library Amsterdam as part of the Grid Photo Biennial, ends on 2 sept. Wow! What a journey it was….

i KISS THE WORLD: two-months extension

July 2014 – Hurray! Through to the next round! Martha’s exhibition ” iKISSTHEWORLD”, a long collaboration with West End photographer Simon Annand is now prolonged with TWO months due to great success. So come and see ‘I Kiss The World’ in the Central Library in Amsterda,! come on, keep kissing!! its summer! xxx. We will be…