Loving the planet! Martha in eco-action in the Serra da Estrela

Yes to the planet! No to litter! Something funny happened. Martha took part in an eco-cleanup, removing litter from the area around the Torre in the Serra da Estrela, at 2000m the highest point of Portugal. The action was featured on Portugese TV… and Martha was interviewed why she as a tourist (or more factual: travelling Digital Nomad filmmaker) took part in the mountain cleanup. You can watch the item here:


The item about the Serra da Estrela starts at 6min. and the interview with Martha starts at 10min. and runs to 11’10.

Transcript from the interview (in English, Portugese subtitles!).

“Interviewer: Well what is that? Martha: I don’t know, a bottle, a plastic bottle. It might be here for years you know, it is so much rubbish. People leave it you know and it stays for ever.”

Interviewer: Where are you from? Martha: I am from Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Interviewer: And what are you doing here?

Martha: I am helping to clean the Serra Estrela!

Interviewer: Are you a tourist? Martha: Yes, I am a tourist. I love this area. People normally think about the Algarve in Portugal. But I love the mountains. And I stay in the hotel and then I saw that you could help  to clean… (…)

Martha: “It is SO beautiful here! You know, it is like a gift. It is so precious! So I don’t understand why people throw… you know this is maybe Yakult or a milk bottle, why would you want to throw things away here when it is so beautiful? I don’t understand, I don’t understand… “